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10 Ways to Stay Warm This Winter
January 14, 2022
1. Bag it. Fill up a rubber hot water bottle while you’re doing the dinner dishes and seal it tightly. Slip it between your sheets to preheat your bed, or keep it on your lap, and you’ll feel warm all evening.
2. Throws. When you’re watching TV, it’s easy to get cold because you’re not moving around. Don’t turn up the heat — wrap up in a blanket instead.
How to Treat Your Body Well
January 14, 2022
Eat a healthy, balanced diet with lots of vegetables and fruit.
Keep your immunizations up-to-date.
Don't use tobacco, vape products, alcohol, or drugs.
Exercise as often as you can.
Stay aware of your emotions and moods.
Get enough sleep.
Wear proper protection at home, work, or play.
Healthy Tips & Tricks
January 14, 2022
Measure and Watch Your Weight
Limit Unhealthy Foods and Eat Healthy Meals
Take Natural Multivitamins, Not Supplements
Drink Water, Stay Hydrated, and Limit Sugared Beverages
Exercise Regularly and Be Physically Active
Reduce Sitting and Screen Time
Get Enough Good Sleep
Go Easy on Alcohol and Stay Sober
Find Ways to Manage Your Emotions